For the second time Creativ have helped the Greek Church in the path of pastoral staff renovation towards an human more attention through the good relation for all community.

For the second time Creativ have helped the Greek Church in the path of pastoral staff renovation towards an human more attention through the good relation for all community.
“The loss is necessary for the profit, and the education is a strong profit, never a loss”. Today we are used to slogan without any evidence that we do not understand the above mentioned sentence. A Gospel sentence.
This sentence was pronounced by Monsignor Francesco Papamanolis, bishop of Syros, capital of Cyclades Islands, where from 15th to 17th of February Creativ was represented by the President Giulio Carpi and Mr. Marco Rondonotti.

Father Nikos Russos have met Creativ last October in Athens and he has organized this meeting where the two educators have met a group of forty catechists composed from seven new Fathers and a group of young people. They have worked together on the theme Catechesis 2.0.: update your operative system.
A beautiful experience of active relations, labs, role playing, new ideas exchange aimed to bring Creative Learning Method on catechesis themes.