What is CLM?
Creative Learning Method is the name of an European project finaced inside the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, which has obtained a first funding round in 2003-2005 and a second one in 2007-2009.
Teachers involved: 155
Nations involved in both editions: 7
Researchers involved in both editions: 45
Research meetings organised in both edutions: 215
Dissemination meetings: 80
Projects started: 20
The aim of the first funding round was to design, validate and implement a new teaching methodology aimed at primary school teachers to enable and increase their larning of new teaching strategies, as well as to promote the ideation of teaching routes centred on both pupils and teachers' creativity.
The first edition of the project has gathered a number of partners and researchers from several European countries (Germany, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Romnia) around the goal to test CLM's applicability to different school systems.
The second edition has completed and extended the previous project through the transfer of the Creative Learning Method to a wide number of primary scholl teachers in Italy, Germany and Spain and the partecipation of sound partner: CREAtiv, the promoter of the project, AIMC, CIDI and the Catholic University 'Sacro Cuore' in Italy; the Province of Enzkreis in Germany; the Centro de Ensenanza Superior en humanidades y ciencias de la educaciòn 'Don Bosco' in Spain.
After an initial phase dedicated to further development and research, the project has involved groups of primary school teachers from Italy, Germany and Spain in a training course on the CLM's specific monitoring and planning instruments (April - December 2008) and their use in didactic terms (January - May 2009) for the creation of learning units on mathematical contents and on the right oh speech.
The cooperation between the project's cultural team and the teachers involved in the creation and implementation of the said teaching experiences has proved to be an important occasion to improve a better integration of subject-related, methodological and relational competences.